Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 10, 2014


Congratulations to the recipients of the 2014 Economist Educators Best in Class Teaching Award. These three were chosen by the Board of the National Economics Teaching Association (NETA) from numerous submissions. Prizes are provided by Cengage Learning.

1st Place       Michael Enz, Roanoke College 

               Self Grading

 2nd Place       Sherri Wall, University of Alaska-Fairbanks

                Team Based Learning (TBL) - Econ Style!

3rd Place       Amy Cramer, Pima Community College

                Voices on the Economy, or VOTE.
Winners will receive a cash award for themselves and for their departments as well as a trip to the 10th Annual Economics Teaching Conference next month in San Diego.

You can see their submissions HERE.

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 10, 2014

On Textbook Prices

NPR takes a look.  Generally, a good and balanced treatment. But they play a bit too fast and loose with the difference between high and rising.  Some of the hypotheses they suggest can explain high prices but not rising prices.

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 10, 2014

A VoxEU Course Companion

Teachers of intermediate macroeconomics will find this new book of interest:
This Vox EU Course Companion, the first in the series, is a collection of carefully selected Vox columns designed to supplement Mankiw’s Macroeconomics textbook. Vox Course Companions provide relevant examples of economic theory in action and offer thought-provoking perspectives on arguments that come up time and again in exam-style questions. They bring together analyses of economic phenomena by leading economists as they happened, while applying and comparing the suitability of competing economic theories.

Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 10, 2014

The IMF on Infrastructure

The IMF endorses the free-lunch view of infrastructure spending. That is, an IMF study suggests that the expansionary effects are sufficiently large that debt-financed infrastructure spending could reduce the debt-GDP ratio over time. 

Certainly this outcome is theoretically possible (just like self-financing tax cuts), but you can count me as skeptical about how often it will occur in practice (just like self-financing tax cuts).  The human tendency for wishful thinking and the desire to avoid hard tradeoffs are so common that it is dangerous for a prominent institution like the IMF to encourage free-lunch thinking.